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What is covered in a typical consultation?

For a chronic case, Sirisha will carefully pursue all the signs and symptoms with the patient to try and get to the root of the problem. Some of the details captured in this include, (a) the character of the symptoms (eg. what triggers makes it better/worse), (b) past medical history, (c) family history, (d) past traumatic events (if any), and (e) other information about sleep patterns, food cravings, likes, dislikes, and stress levels.

Sirisha takes great care to work with you to find the cause of your illness, and select the most appropriate remedy for your health condition. While there are no physical examinations, in some cases details of medical or lab tests may be requested.


Why does the questionnaire and consultation have so many questions?

The key emphasis in our Homeopathic practice is the notion of "individuality", and the belief that no two humans are alike when it comes to their physical, mental and emotional domains. The questionnaire (and the subsequent consultation appointment) is an attempt to capture the totality of the internal and external pathology of each patient across these domains. It is only through such an elaborate approach that the specific remedy for the specific patient can be determined.


How long does the initial consultation last?

Typically it takes 1.5 to 2 hours to cover this for a new patient with a chronic case. Depending on the nature of the illness, subsequent follow-ups, typically at 4-6 week intervals, will be needed.


How long does it take to analyze a case after the consultation?

The duration of case analysis is different for each case and varies from a few hours to a couple of days. Typically, a remedy will be prescribed, at-most within a week from the time of initial consultation.


How are the remedies prepared?

The remedies (or medicines) used in Homeopathy are derived from natural substances and administered in very small doses. There is no risk of toxic side-effects at all.


How much does the consultation/medicines cost?

The cost for an initial consultation varies depending on the case. There is a nominal charge for patients needing specific medicines. Please call our office for more details for your specific scenario. Please note that as of now, we can only accept cash or checks. (Also note that as of now, we do not accept any insurance plans).

Homeopathic practitioners do not diagnose or treat disease, unless they are licensed to do so. Homeopathic remedies do not treat any specific disease. They can improve your body's ability to fight disease by stimulating its defense mechanism. The State of California does not offer licenses in homeopathic medicine, and Sirisha Veldanda is not a physician. 

Homeopathy is alternative and complementary to healing arts that are licensed by the State of California. Under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code (commonly known as the Medical Practice Act) trained individuals may offer services in homeopathy as long as they meet certain requirements and restrictions.


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